A) His shoulders globed like a full sail strung = This shows that his father has bean working hard all day and his shoulders are so strong but stiff strung so tiitly so tired.
B) The horse is strained at his clicking tongue = The horse is exausted at his comands constantly his father hounds it to do more jobs for him.
C) With a single pluck/Of reins, the sweating team turned round = This shows how hard his father and his horse has bean working as a team.
D) Dipping and rising to his plod = This shows that the horse is in harmany with his father.
A) I stumbled in his hob nailed wake = This shows that heaney is young weak and tired and struggling to keep up with his father. This also shows that he wants to walk in his fathers footsteps.
B) I was a nuisance, Tripping, falling / yapping always = This shows that he wants to learn what to do when it says yapping always, this also shows that he is tired and tring to get better.
3) The young Heaney remineds me off a babby elephant because it is constantly following its parents always on the move always in it shadow the father always helping it along.
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